Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Why Build Your Own Capture Page?

Our own Capture Page Tools are so important as belonging to an opportunity and earning money is great but when we use capture pages from most companies we are building the list for them not ourselves

That is one of the main reasons why we need to build our own capture pages so we will be building OUR own list not someone elses.By doing that we will then be able to show those people any type of business we like rather than just the one we are associalted with.

The main reason why I like capture pages tho is that they are individual.I believe more people will take notice of them more often than if its one that is seen over and over again.Personalizing it with information of you and a picture of yourself will brand you as well.
The Capture Page Creator I use it is not hard to learn and due to the support from my team can be learnt quite quickly.
I would encourage everyone that is involved in any opportunity to have your own personal capture pages to grow your own list and reap the rewards.

Yours in building that list

Janelle Bramble aka AussieJ